Making money online 2021 is currently a trend that many young people are interested in and learn about. The ultimate goal is to create a source of passive income for yourself. You have heard a lot about the students who all day plug into computers whose monthly income is up to tens or even hundreds of millions dong. This article ACCESSTRADE will help you get the most overview of making money online in Vietnam and 10 most effective ways to make money online in 2021.

What is making money online?

Making money online, making money online, MMO is how you make money from Internet jobs through the use of a computer / phone (mostly computers) or devices connected to the Internet. This term is not in the dictionary, but rather a compound word when the internet was introduced to Vietnam and created some forms of making money through the internet.

Making money online (or MMO)  is considered to be quite popular today, when the demand for online shopping of customers is increasing, and the need to promote brands, promote products of companies, brands and more. Moreover, MMO brings many benefits to implementers when they do not need to invest too much capital, budget or travel a lot for real meetings and still earn the same amount.

The 10 most prestigious ways to make money online 2020:

Ok, now in the main part, I will introduce you 10 ways to make money online in 2021

In the following 10 ways to make money online  , each has 1 different advantage: there is a sustainable way to make money online, a way to make money online quickly and there are also simple ways to make money online, but of course, the income will not be high. . Depending on your interests and strengths, you choose a suitable direction for yourself.

1 / Make money with ACCESSTRADE Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing or affiliate marketing is simply how you introduce the supplier’s products (such as Lazada, Tiki, Shopee, …) to customers. When a customer performs an action such as buying, filling out a registration form, … you will receive a commission. Commissions will be from 8-10% depending on the product.

The benefits of affiliate marketing are that you do not need to own products and services, nor do you need to worry about delivery and customer care. Meanwhile, it receives a very attractive commission.

ACCESSTRADE is currently the leading affiliate marketing platform in Vietnam and Asia. Currently, ACCESSTRADE is cooperating with more than 100 partners who are leading providers in E-Commerce, Finance, Education, … such as Lazada, Tiki, Shopee, Vietravel with the community of more than 180,000 Publisher (for distribution partners) are operating in Vietnam.

2 / Make money with Trade coin, electronic money transactions:

Cryptocurrency is a cryptocurrency with many different names such as digital money or cryptocurrency. This currency is based on the use of the most modern encryption technology and computer engineering algorithms.

Cryptocurrencies are recently emerging as one of the fastest ways to make money. You can x2, x3 your property in just one night. The crypto craze has been raging throughout 2017 and has only begun to cool down recently. 

But not all of them are sweet honey, recently you can see countless articles about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies falling in price without stopping many people losing their hands or losing most of their assets in a short time. At the same time, this is also the place where countless cases of scam appear for novices in the industry. So you need to be really awake.


Making money by trading coins and investing in cryptocurrencies is an attractive but also risky method of making money

4 / Make money online by selling T-shirts on Teespring:


selling teespring t-shirt
Make money online by designing and selling t-shirts online on Teespring

Selling T-shirts was a very popular form of money making in 2014 and 2015. It brought huge income to the people doing MMO at that time. From a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per month. Your job is to design a beautiful t-shirt pattern and promote it.

The most important thing when making T-shirts is that you have to plan the details to promote the product. That may be running facebook ads with focus on target audience, content …

Link registered as Teespring

5 / Selling online on Facebook:


Selling clothes online on facebook is very popular
Selling clothes online on facebook is very popular


With the strong development of e-commerce. This makes it very convenient for each of us to start our own business. The advantage of selling online is that you will save a lot of costs on premises, staff, service ….

With a Facebook platform primarily, you can start an online business right on your own personal facebook account. If you invest more, you can set up Fanpage and run ads. Selling online, specifically Facebook has created countless billionaires in Vietnam. It will definitely remain the trend in the near future


6 / Make money by selling on Amazon, Ebay …


What is Dropship
Dropship products from Chinese e-commerce sites to the US.

One of the recent trends of MMO world that is selling on Amazon, Ebay … Of course, making money from abroad, the revenue will be not small. There’s no shortage of examples of individuals in the Amazon selling communities, Dropship, making millions of dollars a month. In Vietnam, most of you who are just starting to do Dropship will choose Chinese e-commerce sites like Aliexpress because the prices of goods are often much lower than the international market. Especially if you combine Affiliate Marketing at the same time, there will be more sales for these products. Register Affiliate link of Aliexpress here.

This is a form not for beginners. You need to invest a lot and, importantly, have knowledge of digital marketing. Especially the article content about your product must be in English. 

7 / Write standard seo articles, write advertising articles:


Get to write standard SEO articles at home
Get to write standard SEO articles at home

This is a job for those who have a passion for writing. You need to have skills to write standard SEO articles. If you do not have SEO knowledge, you can check out the standard SEO article or video tutorial. At the same time you should add other knowledge about SEO to be able to undertake more work than writing articles such as webmaster wordpres.

In addition, there are jobs such as Fanpage administrator, advertising articles for busy shops that do not have time to administer fanpage. For this job, you need to learn more knowledge about content marketing, and visual design tools like photoshop, basics or canva. 

8/ Freelancer:

Freelancer  are people who work for others  (individuals, companies)  without  any constraints on working time each day , as long as they complete the work on time as agreed, as well as not committed. long-term work. Make Money Freelancer  is a very familiar job for many people, even many of you have been doing it every day. It is predicted that in 2020, freelancing will continue to increase strongly.

Make money online 2021

Freelancer predicts that it will be the working trend of many young people in 2018
Freelancer predicts that it will be the working trend of many young people in 2020
Make money online 2021

There are many places you can make money on Freelance like:

Among these sites, the most typical is Fiverr. This is an online marketplace for freelancers. If you have a certain skill (for example, design) You can post to Fiver and take a product design order for someone for $ 5. The price of your work may be higher depending on whether you contract with the buyer.

Still wonder if this Freelancer job is right for you? See this article right away

Make money online 2021

9 / Make money online with Youtube:

Youtube is a giant platform developed by Google that allows you to post videos to store and share with others, to watch communities, or to keep you private. Nowadays, with the popularity of the internet, Youtube’s impact on us is enormous. On average, each Vietnamese spends 2 hours a day watching Youtube. 

Recently, we have been stirring up the news that there are individuals in Vietnam with income from Youtube up to 30-40 billion VND, the amount of tax payable is up to several billion VND. 


PewDiePie earned more than 340 billion VND from Youtube in 2016

Make money online 2021

This information is enough to show that making money on Youtube is no longer a strange thing. It has become a familiar channel and is widely participated in the MMO community in Vietnam. In the world, famous YouTubers can be mentioned as Pewdiepie with tens of millions of followers, earning tens of millions of dollars per year. Or another example of Beauty Blogger Michelle Phan with nearly 9 million followers. She is also one of the world’s most popular beauty bloggers.

If you are really attracted to the numbers and are passionate about becoming a YouTuber, you can check out the article: How  to make money on Youtube 2020 with Affiliate Marketing , the article will give you full earning. How to start making money on Youtube from A to Z.

10 / Make money online with Blog or Personal Website:

You can build your own blog or wordpress website and share the knowledge you know on the blog, then optimize the article so that others searching on google will see your share.

And you will monetize blogging in ways like:

  1. Make money for now google adsense ads . (The income is quite low unless you have a lot of traffic)
  2. Make money from affiliate marketing for blog content related products. (in conjunction with the first: Affiliate marketing with ACCESSTRADE)
  3. Get advertising products and services on the blog.
  4. Make money selling digital products you create.


Beauty blogger very hot job for women
Beauty blogger very hot job for women

Make money online 2021

However, to become a real blogger is not easy, you can think it is simple but you also need to have some skills and knowledge.

To become a blogger, in my opinion you need to have the following qualities:

  • Writing skills:  Really important , you have to read a lot and write a lot.
  • Broad understanding of what you write:  If you don’t have a broad understanding of what you share, it can be difficult to develop.
  • Website knowledge:  A freelance blogger not only has a separate writing style, but the ability to manage the server to the website is essential.
  • Knowledge of on-page and off-page SEO: In addition to content creation, you must also understand the structure of a standard SEO article so that your article can be on top of related keywords.

I noticed that when you have your own blog and you know how to exploit it, your blog is no different from a small online business and is a machine that generates money for you every month.

To start a blog is not too difficult, skills like writing SEO standard articles and blogging you can completely learn more online or check out the following article:

Ways to make money online should not participate:

Why should not participate , the simple reason is because the income is low compared to the time you spend, and at the same time you will not develop any useful skills or experience in the process. In some of these forms, there are also frauds, scams … 

1 / Make money by typing Capcha code:

Fill out Capcha form, make money type capcha or enter online data is the same. You will often see promotional content like: 

Input data at home, just have a computer, work 2 to 3 hours, transfer money via ATM … all are described for the job of entering the capcha code.

This is the most popular way to make money online. Suitable for students who work hard and have free time. Your job is to fill out the available capcha forms and you will receive money based on the capcha you fill. This job is really simple, but it also has the potential to risk you being scammed. Therefore, I advise you not to join this form .

Many of you often confuse typing this capcha code with typing word or excel. You should learn carefully before participating in these jobs.

Make money online 2021

2 / Make money by doing online surveys

Similar to filling out the capcha form, doing online surveys is also quite simple. You fill out surveys according to the given questions, get bonus points and convert to money. The work is relatively easy, but the downside is earning very few bonus points. The rules for exchanging points are quite high, so if you want to make money, it will take a lot of time. While you can use that time to do other things that bring in much higher income.

In addition, these domains host are often located on foreign websites so they are also potentially a lot of risks. You fill out the survey but cannot withdraw money back to Vietnam, this is the case many people encounter. Therefore, I do not encourage you to have a long-term attachment to this form , if you want to participate for a sour experience, it’s fine :))

3. Make money online by watching advertisements (PTC)

With this form, you will click on ads in a certain page, the price will be low, the ads will be less.

Some sites force you to upgrade your account to show higher prices and more ads, no different from captcha typing. It takes time and energy with a rather humble income .

4. Make money online via Like facebook, view youtube

Like the above methods, money is less and tiring is more , the computer browser loads without rest.

This form requires you to like facebook fanpage, follow facebook or watch youtube video or subscribe to youtube channel.

Every time you like a photo on facebook you will get a certain amount of coins and collect coins that qualify you to change money.Sometimes you can only exchange 20k phone scratch cards after a few days …

5. Leading and fraudulent ICO projects

There are many ICO projects that take advantage of the digital currency boom to scam and you need to be very careful and careful before investing.

Leading on the Ponzi scheme of bitcoinnect is a proof and you need to learn carefully before you invest. This is no longer a laborious affair, it is even a large scale scam. So you need to be really vigilant.

What do you need to prepare when making money online?

To be successful in any field, you also need to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge. MMO is no exception. If you do not have any concept about the following 4 things, you will surely encounter many difficulties in the MMO process.

1. Knowledge of Online Marketing:

Along with the explosion of the Internet, most individuals, small and medium businesses are  using online marketing as the main advertising channel  because of its low cost as well as the effects it brings.

Currently, the two most popular and effective methods are  advertising on Google   (SEO, SEM) and  advertising on social networks  (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

There is also a lot of other knowledge such as: Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Chatbot, Youtube, Affiliate Marketing, GDN…. that you should learn more about in the process. These will be powerful tools to assist you in the MMO process. Learning this knowledge is also quite simple

2. Knowledge of website administration

Not required, but if you want to be successful, you need to have knowledge of website administration because it is very simple. With wordpress platform or blog, you do not need much programming skills, just set up once only to have yourself a website. Then, just adding content and optimizing with its available utilities (plugins, themes …) is enough for you to start embarking on the MMO path.

3. Knowledge of bank payments

In the process of doing MMO, the banking transaction and settlement is a core thing. You need to prepare yourself a visa card (debit or credit) for convenience in the payment process when running Google, Facebook ads . A Paypal or Payoneer account to receive payments if you are targeting overseas markets. If you are not eligible for a card, you can borrow from a relative for the first time. 

4. A strong will and the spirit of always learning:

This is really the most important thing that MMOs need to have, you can ask all the players who make money online , they all go through a hard first time. Working hard, but the money you earn is meager. But then they still patiently hold on and constantly learn new experiences and knowledge.

This is really the decisive factor in the success between them and others. You should define from the beginning that you will not gain much in the first 3 months except for knowledge that you can really start making money online seriously.


As you can see, there are many ways to make money online . Easy to say is not, but if said difficult is not true. In general, sustainable forms of making money online  will require you to work seriously with an investment of time and energy, of course, the profits will be huge . And the forms that always advertise are gentle, simple with huge income, you need to be very vigilant and think carefully before participating.

Among these methods, I still appreciate the form of making money with affiliate marketing. Because it is a fairly sustainable form, allowing you to learn a lot of things and not have to worry about capital investment in the first place.


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