Free Blogspot Templates 2021

With more than 1000+ shared Blogspot templates at Doan Van Hai, you can choose for yourself the template that best suits the needs of your website. Blogspot themes are shared here, most of which are copyrighted Blogspot templates but I share it completely free to you. Combine these amazing Blogspot themes with the popular Blogspot tips shared by you, you will fully grasp the best knowledge for Blogspot. Quickly choose for yourself the best free blogspot templates to refurbish your existing Blogspot interface .

Copyright MagNews Template

Continuing with the campaign to share the Free Copyrighted Blogspot Template , today I am sharing with you a news template with a very beautiful interface, which is the MagNews template.

Talking about MagNews a bit, this is a template for Blogspot with clean design, SEO friendly. At the same time this template has a very flexible design, of course, a responsive standard for better SEO optimization. This MagNews template is a perfect template for personal blogs, news sites or magazines.

With many add-ons to attract customers when visiting, as well as create an eye-catching interface, you should not ignore this template if you want to choose a news template for your website or satellite.

This is a blogspot template that is selling very well on Themeforest for $ 20, and now I will share this template for you, completely free , no code insertion, no copyright code encryption. You just get back and use it. All downloaded files.

Features of copyright MagNews template

  • 100% responsive
  • Supports RTL and all languages
  • Good SEO optimization
  • Full page background image support
  • Supports available Google Adsense ad placements
  • Slider in automatic homepage
  • Supports buttons, message boxes, tabbing in vertical or vertical form …
  • Has a 2-column interface
  • Supports Google Maps
  • Latest Post Widget
  • Related Posts Widget
  • Random Posts widget
  • Subscribe widget via RSS
  • Supports Multi tabs
  • Support social network share buttons
  • Automatically adjust photo size
  • Automatically get Youtube video thumbnail image
  • Disqus comment support
  • There is error 404 page
  • There is a subscribe button

Download the MagNews template


If there is any problem, you can comment below for me to answer. Also a little note to you:
All necessary files such as code, instructions are included in the downloaded file. Please follow the instructions before asking questions

Share template Slycore copyright $ 21 completely free

This is really a blogspot template with a very special design style that only seeing the demo for the first time will make you fascinated by Slycore. And me too!

Slycore is a versatile Blogspot template with a fully responsive design. As I said at the beginning of the post, Slycore’s design style is completely different from the previous ones I shared. Specifically different, you just go to the demo link at the end of the post to section the market.

This template is sold for $ 21 on Themeforest but here I will share it completely free for you. Peace of mind, clean, no link, copyright anything.

You can use the Slycore template for blogging, magazine making or photography websites, videos, applications …

Demo image of 3 interfaces:

Template Slycore copyright
Template Slycore copyright
Template Slycore copyright
Template Slycore copyright

Features of Slycore v3.1

  • Fully Responsive : Web design fully compatible with all mobile devices, tablets or PCs today.
  • There are 3 demo templates
  • Proactively change the text style: Slycore gives you the rights to customize the content so you can make your web more bold, stylish and professional.
  • Disqus comment system support
  • Was optimized SEO
  • Automatically generate thumbnails or play videos without any other action, the template supports most video sharing sites like Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion …
  • Automatically detect Audio
  • Smooth Scroll Smooth Scroll, with this feature, the website will be quite smooth, does not consume much CPU and is compatible with most browsers.
  • There are many custom utilities such as: Mega Menu, Popular Posts, social networking buttons, Facebook Fanbox …
  • Sitemap support is available
  • There is full documentation.

Download template Blogspot Slycore v3.1:


Template MagOne copyright $ 21 – Share for free

Continuing with the series of sharing copyright blogspot templates , today I will share with you a beautiful blog template, written by a Vietnamese doctor, that is the MagOne template.

Blogspot MagOne template has a flat design, quite beautiful, very well optimized, fast web, many because Adsense ad placement is very convenient if you want to make money from Adsense.

This is a completely copyrighted template, I bought on Themeforest for $ 21, and now share it with you completely free , full, without inserting any links at all.

Features of MagOne Template:

  • Support drag and drop Widget when installed
  • Friendly navigation menu bar: Supports drop-down menus, mega menus and icons
  • Responsive design is great
  • Supports multiple comment systems: Facebook, Google+, Blogger and Disqus
  • Super Mega menu: Ajax support, link grouping …
  • Support multiple shortocde
  • Customize post design
  • Smart breadcrumb
  • Support for pagination of posts: You can paginate long posts with a shortcode available
  • Supports Author Box, Related Posts, Latest Posts, Reactions, Share Buttons
  • You can design your own interface
  • Multi-language support
  • Support bar and menu fixed sidebar
  • There are custom 404 pages
  • Support ad placement
  • And many more …

Download the MagOne Blogspot Template:

Template Sevida copyright free, updated latest

Continuing with the series of sharing copyright blogspot templates , today I will share with you a template for a copyright magazine called Sevida.

Sevida is one of the copyrighted templates created by MKRdezign, similar to the Apriezt template I shared here, which is a blogspot template designed in an extremely professional magazine style and is loved by Blogspot users.

This is a complete copyright template, I bought on Themeforest for $ 21, and now share it with you completely free, full, without inserting any links at all.

Features of Template Sevida:

  • Fully responsive
  • More than 15 Widget styles
  • 2 views: List and Grid, using Cookies
  • Supports many shortcodes
  • RTL support
  • Pagination using Ajax
  • Load more Ajax support
  • 5 types of Featured Post
  • 2 types of Slider and Carousel
  • The drop-down menu bar
  • 5 types of Mega Menu
  • Supports 4 comment systems (Blogger, Facebook, Disqus, Spot.IM)
  • Emoticon support in comments
  • The search bar supports JSON and GSE
  • Allows the viewer to adjust the text size and use cookies for storage.
  • Support for Recent Posts Widget
  • 3 Types of Related Posts Widget
  • Support for Latest Comments Widget
  • Social icon support
  • Support bar and menu fixed sidebar
  • There are custom 404 pages
  • Support ad placement
  • And many more …

Download Sevida Blogspot Template:


The stunning $ 21 Masala Multipurpose template is completely free

This is indeed a great Blogspot template, Masala template is a multipurpose template that is a versatile template. If you already know the WordPress platform, this multipurpose phrase will not be unfamiliar, these types of templates have many different interfaces for different purposes, and so does Masala.


The stunning $ 21 Masala Multipurpose template is completely free
Masala Multipurpose template

To be more precise, Masala is a template with 3 different themes, 2 magazine themes and 1 beautiful vertical blog theme. Indeed, this is a great template for you, and even more amazing, because in this article, I will share the latest Masala template completely licensed ($ 20 at Themeforest). Just download and use it.

Demo image of 3 interfaces of Masala template:

Template Masala beautiful


Masala Blogspot Template


Masala Multipurpose template features:

  • Layout design 3 columns, when using you will be like a demo.
  • Supports RTL and all languages.
  • Fully Responsive Design .
  • Automatically resize images.
  • Automatically get Facebook thumbnails .
  • Responsive advertising support of Google Adsense .
  • Disqus comment support and other comment types.
  • Has optimal SEO for Blogspot .
  • Beautiful featured article widget.
  • Support Recent Posts by label or all posts.
  • Support Random Post by label or all posts.
  • Featured Post automatically, or retrieves it according to an article.
  • Support 404 error pages.
  • Support Contact page .
  • The design is quite clear and beautiful.
  • Beautiful Blogspot administration interface.
  • Customizable template.
  • Extract pass:

Download the Masala template:


Free sharing FlatMag template worth $ 21

FlatMag is a blogger template with a simple and clear design, designed with great flat style and responsive. This is the perfect template for you to make a personal blog or magazine.

Free sharing FlatMag template worth $ 21

This is one of the templates that I have copyrighted, so this FlatMag template shared on Share everything will have no redirect link, no copyright in the code, and even the license file in it. Feel free to use it.

Features of FlatMag template:

  • Responsive design
  • Unlimited color customization
  • SEO optimization
  • Tabbed menu
  • Footer has 4 columns
  • 2 sliders
  • Support Breaking News
  • The drop-down menu bar is designed with CSS3 and HTML
  • Has the Recent Posts widget
  • Custom 404 page
  • Admin friendly page
  • Extract pass:



We will update the shares in the following article. Follow our website to get free information from us.




Free Blogspot Templates 2021

Free Blogspot Templates 2021

Free Blogspot Templates 2021

Free Blogspot Templates 2021



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